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Training Courses & Workshops

We offer the following HR and workplace measurement related training courses & workshops to help HR Professionals continue to develop the skills that really make a difference:

  • Job Analysis

  • Written Test Development

  • Oral Interview Development

  • Survey Development and Analysis

  • Test Item Analysis and Cut Scores

  • Basic Qualification/Minimum Qualification Development and Validation

  • Basic Statistics for Human Resource Professionals

  • Classification and Compensation

Upcoming Online Classes & Workshops

Pass Point Setting & Adverse Impact (Date TBD, Registration $50): In this two-hour workshop, participants will learn how to set defensible exam pass points.  Topics to be discussed include: pass point considerations; adverse impact and diversity; test reliability and precision; and test utility/validity.  Alternative methods for pass point setting will also be discussed (e.g., Angoff method).

Instructor: Clinton Kelly, Ph.D.

Multiple-Choice Item Writing (Date TBD, Registration $50): In this two-hour workshop, participants will learn how to write and edit quality multiple choice test items.  Topics to be discussed include: multiple choice terminology; item formats; item difficulty levels; item writing clues and errors; and face validity.  The instructor will also present strategies to help item writers manage the process of developing quality multiple choice items.    

Instructor: Brian Moritsch, M.A.

Test and Item Analysis (Date TBD, Registration $50): This two-hour workshop will guide participants through the process of conducting test and item analyses on multiple choice tests.  Test analysis topics will include reliability, validity, standard deviations, skewness, kurtosis, and the standard error of measurement.  The workshop will also instruct students on how to apply the 80% Rule (or 4/5 Rule) to determining whether an exam has adverse impact.  Item Analysis topics will include p-values (difficulty measures), item discrimination indexes (biserial and point-biserial correlations), and distractor analysis.  

Instructor: Brian Moritsch, M.A.

Structured Oral Interviews (Date TBD, Registration $95): This half-day workshop will provide an overview of the structured interview and why structure results in better hiring decisions when compared to an unstructured approach. We will review what to assess in an interview, the different types of interview questions, how to develop job relevant questions, and how to create behaviorally anchored rating scales (BARS). In addition to the development of the interview itself, we will provide guidance on best practices for interview administration and scoring (e.g., number of raters, rater training, individual scoring versus consensus approach). The objective of this workshop is to provide practitioners with the expertise they need to create and administer their own structured interviews.  

Instructor: Clinton Kelly, Ph.D.

Data Analysis for HR Professionals (Date TBD (two half days, Registration $175): The primary focus of this workshop will be the identification/classification of the four variable types: nominal, ordinal, interval, and ratio variables, and how the variable types will determine the proper statistical analysis to use and how to graphically present your data.  Topics to be discussed include: data analysis terminology, identifying rating scales and variables, data collection and sampling techniques, and how to present your data graphically and in reports.  The instructor will also lead a discussion on the ethical use and presentation of data.  The course consists of lectures, group discussions, video presentations, and structured group exercises. Instructor: Brian Moritsch, M.A.

Job Analysis (Date TBD (two half days, Registration $175): Job analysis is the foundation for many human resource-related activities, such as employee selection, training and development, workforce planning, and performance management. It involves researching a job to determine which work behaviors and responsibilities it includes, the required qualifications necessary, and the conditions under which the work is performed. This workshop will provide an overview of the job analysis process will provide guidance on how to conduct a job analysis that is compliant with the Uniform Guidelines on Employee Selection Procedures and show participants how to leverage the results of the job analysis to develop a plan for the development of employment selection tests.. 

Instructor: Clinton Kelly, Ph.D.

Examination Development (Date TBD (two half days, Registration $175): This workshop will instruct participants on the various types of assessment instruments used to select quality employees.  The types of examinations covered in the workshop include: written multiple choice tests, structured oral interviews, physical agility tests, training and experience ratings, and work sample tests.  Additional topics to be covered include: reliability and validity, pass point setting, and ranking candidates. 

Instructor: Brian Moritsch, M.A.

Classification and Compensation (Date TBD, 8:30AM - 12:00PM Pacific (two half days, Registration $175): The primary focus of this workshop will be to define the steps required to perform a Classification and Compensation study.  Your agency’s classification structure will dictate how the agency recruits, retains, develops, and ultimately rewards its employees.  Topics that will be covered include: agency class, salary, and benefits structure; developing classification titles, levels, abolished or unused classes, and MQs within job families and across the organization; surveying the labor market; appropriate pay differentials, pay philosophy, and salary design techniques. 

Instructor: Jennifer Ramos, M.A.

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